
The Living, Breathing Wendy

A blog about living with Cystic Fibrosis.


Daily Life

Keeping busy!


I cannot believe that it has been two months since I wrote a blog post. I have been keeping insanely busy with the holidays and fixing up my apartment. So I guess I’ll start with all of my fun projects that have been taking up all of my time and energy. Continue reading “Keeping busy!”

Stress and Cystic Fibrosis


I was writing about the last couple days of my Bonnaroo trip this last week, but I need to take a side step to talk about stress. I have always been an active and ambitious person. However, lately I haven’t been able to live up to my standards. There is this growing contradiction in my physical abilities and my mental ambition. At my doctor appointment yesterday, my wonderful nurse practitioner pointed out that stress can cause health dips. After having a night to think on it, I really think that’s something that may be affecting me more than I realized. Continue reading “Stress and Cystic Fibrosis”



Hi Friends!

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written a post (I can’t believe it’s already been a month!). School and life has been kicking my butt lately, but I am happy to say that I am managing everything extremely well. I just wanted to talk a little bit about exercise and maintaining a healthy regimen. I was always an active child; I participate in various sports and recreational activities all throughout grade school. It always felt so good to stay active. I had always been in love with playing music and picked up saxophone in the 5th grade. Once I got to high school I got to participate in marching band, which was always a blast and kept me active without even thinking about it. Once I got to college, however, there was no more marching band. Continue reading “EXERCISE!!!”

Keeping up with health


As many CFers know, and the loved ones around us, some of our medication can be quite the time suck. The Vest treatment alone takes 20 minutes minimum. Well I have been lucky enough to have wonderful doctors who understand how busy of a lady I am. They have worked to find alternative treatments that not only make me healthy, but are also efficient. I am so thankful that my doctors are so committed to me that they would take the extra time to research all these different alternatives. Most people may say that that is just their job, but it’s not. They don’t have to take time out of their lives to save me time in my daily life; they just have to make me healthy. Good doctors make sure that in addition to being healthy, you are able to live your life as fully as you would like. Continue reading “Keeping up with health”

Hello world!!!


With this being my first blog and first blog post, I just kind of wanted to introduce myself and where I am in my life right now. There is my about me page to get to know the basics about me, so I’m gonna skip over that little bit. Anyways, I am in my last semester of college and it’s a little bit bumpy. There are a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up and things are being a little tough to get together. Up until I went of to college I have had my parents dealing with teachers and doctors, but now that I am an adult it is all on me. Continue reading “Hello world!!!”

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