
The Living, Breathing Wendy

A blog about living with Cystic Fibrosis.


July 2015

Road to Roo: Day 3


Ahhhh! It’s been over a month since my vacation and I am only on Day 3! I haven’t even gotten to the festival yet! I am going to have to start posting more often to get more up-to-date on my life.

So anyways, the next stop on our vacation was Nashville. We went to Nashville the last time that we went to Bonnaroo, but we only stopped for BBQ and didn’t really do a whole lot. So this time we planned to spend the whole evening there. >

Good Read: The Cure Culture


I was browsing the web and found this really interesting series on a site called Motherboard. I just read it to see what it was about, but I found it so interesting that I wanted to share it with all of you!

The Cure Culture by Jason Koebler is a written about his friend with Cystic Fibrosis. While there are thousands who have a story like his: a friend who has Cystic Fibrosis, struggles, and eventually loses the battle. Continue reading “Good Read: The Cure Culture”

Road to Roo: Day 2


On the second day of vacation, we travelled to the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri and camped on the lake. We got to go swimming and walk around in the nature. It was extremely beautiful! I think my favorite memory was when we tried to build a camp fire and roast marshmallows. Every campsite had a fire ring, so we bought wood to build a fire. I was in the car for 30-40 minutes doing my medicine, and let Andy build the fire. Continue reading “Road to Roo: Day 2”

Road to Roo: Day 1


So I’m sure everyone has been waiting to hear about my vacation, and I am extremely excited to share it with you. However, we had such an action packed super fun time that I’m going to have to talk about it in multiple posts… otherwise this one post would just be a novel!

So anyways, we left bright and early on June 6th at 7am to head to St. Louis, MO. When we arrived in St. Louis we headed straight for the Zoo! It was so much fun and the zoo was so cool. Continue reading “Road to Roo: Day 1”

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